sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Paternal grandfather
Jose Luis Peredo
Born on May 26, 1952 in a family umilde however umillar not let his 12 years and worked and had an accident with a meat grinder where he lost part of his right arm.
currently has a butcher and not dependent on anyone
Paternal grandmother
Lucia Calles Mota
born on November 12, 1960 lived his entire life working as a xalapa housekeeper. only finished elementary school.
septimbre died on 23, 2009

Maternal grandfather
Manuel Montiel Alarcon
born on 22 February 1930 began to work as a laborer at age 8 and 25 years and was an engineer in construction.
he never went to school but the know how to write and read.
now he lives retired
Maternal grandmother
Dulce Maria Montiel Duran
born in a national bridge January 16, 1950
worked as a housekeeper did not go to school
currently living with my grandfather in communio

My family history
by the family of my dad my grandparents met at a party after 2 years of national killed my dad.
by the family of my mother met my grandparents because my grandmother's mother worked with my grandfather and desoues of 5 years of marriage my mother was born
my parents met in high school after a year my brother was born Fiancee, immediately after I was born and last born 10 years after my younger brother.


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